UBB Mobile

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Transfer to mobile number (blink P2P)

No fee for transfers up to 100 BGN

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Transfers in UBB Mobile

Преводи в лева към трети лица

Instant BGN transfers

Вътрешнобанкови преводи

Transfer between own accounts

Валутни преводи

Foreign transfers

Бюджетни преводи за държавни институции

Budget transfers


You order and receive money transfers to a mobile number in seconds

No need to know an IBAN, in order to easily send money to your friends

You can order both intrabank and interbank transfers

You can use the Transfer to Mobile Number function even if you have registered for this service with another bank

How do I make a transfer to mobile number in UBB Mobile?

Frequently asked questions

What data should I provide in order to register for the Transfer to Mobile Number (Blink P2P) service?

BGN Account

Registered in UBB Mobile number

The last version of the mobile App

To be individual client of UBB

Active rights for online banking

For registration purposes UBB will use the recent mobile number, provided by you to the Bank. You need to specify a BGN account, to which you will receive fund transfers to a mobile number and approve access to the telephone numbers from the contact list in your phone in view of displaying those contacts, to whom you can order a fund transfer, using the service.

In what currency can I receive and send money transfers?

Via the Transfer to Mobile Number (Blink P2P) service you can receive and send only BGN transfers. If you do not have a BGN account, you need to open such, in order to register for the service. This can be made in the UBB Mobile app.

Can I change the mobile number I have registered for the service via the app?

Upon need of a change you can visit a branch of the Bank. For the purpose you have to update the mobile number you have provided to UBB at a branch of the Bank and to re-register for the service in UBB Mobile.

Can I obtain easy access via the service to contacts, whom I frequently send money to?

In the Transfer to Mobile Number (Blink P2P) service you can add contacts, to whom you frequently send money transfers, in the Favorites tab.

Can I add a contact, who is not in my contact list, directly through the service?

Yes, from the Add New Contact button you can add users, registered for the service, who are not in your contact list. The new contact will also be saved directly in the contact list of your phone.

Can I use the service, if I have registered for it with a bank, other than UBB?

If you have registered for Transfer to Mobile Number (Blink P2P) service with another bank you will be able to order fund transfers from a BGN account with UBB, chosen by you, however you will be receiving fund transfers in the beneficiary’s account, stated by you upon your registration with the other bank.

Your interbank BGN transfers with instant effect by default

Instant transfers up to BGN 30 000, charged as a standard transfer

Significantly lower fee for domestic interbank BGN transfers, compared to those, ordered at a Bank’s branch

You can make fund transfers with a future execution date

You can save templates for your recurring payments

The service is available 24/7 Monday to Sunday.

With any unsuccessful transfer you get a free notification

Other transfers in UBB Mobile

Transfer between own accounts

Transfer funds between your UBB accounts in real time and free of charge for transfers made via UBB Mobile and UBB Online.

Foreign Transfers

You transfer in 13 foreign currencies: Euro (EUR), US Dollars (USD), British Pounds (GBP), Swiss Francs (CHF), Japanese Yen (JPY), Turkish Lira (TRY), Canadian (CAD), Australian (AUD ) and New Zealand (NZD) dollars, Romanian lei (RON), Swedish (SEK), Norwegian (NOK) and Danish kroner (DKK) Transfers in EUR, USD, CHF, GBP are processed within the same business day

Budget transfers

Quickly pay your obligations to the budget - tax and customs, to the National Insurance Institute and the National Health Insurance Fund.

Additional information

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You still don't have UBB Mobile?

In order to activate UBB mobile you need your username and password from UBB Online. If you are not using UBB Online, you need a short registration.

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Utility Bills

Utility bills payment

You save time and keep payment deadlines for your utility bills. You can pay your bills to over 600 suppliers, as well as monitor and control your payables at any time.

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Download the UBB Mobile app

All you need is a device on Android 6.0 or iOS 12 operating system (or higher versions).

The UBB Mobile convenience and security are ensured with an embedded software token and through face recognition, fingerprint reader or a PIN code upon login.