Frequently asked questions about KBC Online Bulgaria
How can I access the KBC Mobile Bulgaria app?
To sign up for KBC Mobile Bulgaria, you have to visit a bank office and receive a PIN envelope with a username and password for access to the platform. After an initial login with a username and password, you have to stet a PIN for quick access. With each subsequent login to the application, users should enter their PIN.
The PIN code can contain 4 to 20 digits. For security reasons, we recommend that it differs from the PINs you have already created.You can login to your mobile app with a fingerprint (for fingerprint device) or face recognition (only for iOS). The biometric data has to be already activated for the device through device settings.
You can login to your mobile app with a fingerprint (for fingerprint devices) or face recognition (only for iOS). The biometric data has to be already activated for the device through device settings.
What kind of notifications can I receive through my mobile app?
You can subscribe to different types of notifications - incoming transfers, currency exchange rates, pending bills, unsuccessfully or a successfully paid bills.
How can I set ePIN (statistic password) via KBC Mobile Bulgaria?
You can set your ePIN via mobile banking in Cards menu > ePIN. It contains 6-digits which you can change anytime. You need to file the fields ePIN and Confirm ePIN and clic on Save button. Only for cards issued by the bank.
How to block temporarily my card?
In Cards menu you are able to turn off your card and this way card`s status is temporarily blocked. If you want you can activate the card by turning it on in Cards menu.
How to change my card`s limits?
You can change quickly and easily your card`s limits in Cards menu> Limits> Change button. The request from is available in Forms menu> Operational limits. In order to send the request for the change you must have authentication method and SMS/E-mail notification for transactions with the card (for high or custom limits).
How to exchange loyalty points from Loyalty Program for credit cards?
You are able to exchange your loyalty points for credit cards on Cards menu> Details> Exchange. The balance of available point calculate in the end of every billing period.
How to create a subscription for utility payments?
In KBC Mobile Bulgaria you can easily active a subscription for utility payments in Utilities menu> Subscriptions> + New Subscription. You can choose a provider and payment settings. It will be needed a subscription number in order to make a payment.
* The service is only available to individual clients.
What is “Quick money transfer to phone number” and how to activate it?
This option gives you opportunity to transfer money to contacts from your phonebook which are clients of UBB and you don’t need to know their IBAN number. You must have active rights and authentication method in order to sign active transactions. The beneficiary also should have activated the option.
You can activate the option from My profile menu> Quick money transfer to phone number. Before that you need to allow the app to access your contacts.
* The service is only available to individual clients.