UBB Gallery
UBB Gallery is an especially created artistic space. United Bulgarian Bank, after its acquisition by КВС Group, took the challenge of preserving the old head office of UBB as a token of care for the inherited space and transforming it into an attractive venue for the local community. Thus it was rendered home of more than 225 art pieces and antiques, valued by experts in three categories: gold, silver and bronze. The cause for preservation of the Bulgarian legacy united the employees of UBB and they were inspired to dedicate time and efforts for transforming the emptied bank branch into a welcoming artistic space and a community centre.
Now UBB Gallery is open for visitors six days a week. UBB provides for free the gallery’s space to artists, willing to share their works. The place is suitable for companies, willing to promote their cause in fancy atmosphere. Renowned public figures may present their ideas and concepts in cozy environment. UBB Gallery embodies the institution’s values for modern sustainable development and integration. The artistic space embodies KBC Group’s strive to preserve traditions, while simultaneously supporting innovations.

Sofia, 5 St. Sofia Str.
Working hours
Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 19:00;
Saturday: 10:00 – 16:00;

Date: 19.11.2019

In April 2019 UBB Gallery presented an innovative exhibition of paintings with augmented reality (AR). By means of a special application six graphics of contemporary artists would move, revealing enchanting virtual reality. One of the works was especially developed for UBB in line with one of its innovative applications - UBB Mobile. The augmented reality intrigues also with a virtual gateway to another dimension, invisible to the human eye. The modern installation combines art with innovations.

Date: 19.11.2019

At the beginning of February 2019 UBB Gallery hosted the first exhibition of a visiting artist. The contemporary author Vladimir Zapryanov presented his Exhibition „55“, dedicated to his personal anniversary. The exhibition involved 30 art pieces, displaying the artist’s inspiration and search. Zapryanov’s work demonstrates his sense of scale, combined with his maturity. The exhibition was open for visitors in the period between 6 and 26 February 2019. The first such exhibition of a visiting artist at UBB Gallery expressed the bank’s ambition to support Bulgarian art, by making it accessible to this country’s citizens and guests.

Date: 19.11.2019

At the end of 2018 UBB’s management was honoured to invite as their guest the prominent Bulgarian poet Stefan Tsanev at a special meeting with the management team of the bank. Some of the discussed topics were the power of money and the power of words. Stefan Tsanev shared his opinion on the professions of bankers and writers and on the recognition they received. Every guest received the poet’s personal autograph on a copy of his book.

Date: 19.11.2019

In December 2018 the United for Charity and UBB Trade Union associations organized an exhibition of children’s paintings entitled Bulgarian Nature in Springtime - Colours and Miraculous Forms. The exposition is part of the traditional My Family’s Drawing competition, involving employees from the KBC Group companies, their children and relatives. All paintings were exhibited for a charitable cause and the raised funds were donated to the associations.

Date: 19.11.2019

Johan Thijs, Chief Executive Officer of KBC Group, Peter Andronov, Chief Executive Officer of UBB and His Excellency François Bontemps, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Bulgaria, officially opened the UBB Gallery in October 2018. The artistic space, which, up until recently hosted the UBB Head Office, has been entirely reworked in a way that allows for the organization of various exhibitions and artistic events at 5 Sveta Sofia Str. Over 30 paintings of well-known artists and antique items comprised the first exhibition in the UBB Gallery. The oldest painting dates back to the beginning of the 20th century - Army Supply Wagons of 1917, by Vasil Marinov. Another painting that stirs interest is that of Hristo Kavarnaliev. The painting actually is a two-sided one (Sea and Marine Landscape) and a special frame with a rack has been made for the exposition purposes, allowing it to be seen from both sides. The exhibition of UBB’s Gold Fund features also other names, such as Anastasia Panayotova, Antoniy Sofev, Zlatyu Boyadzhiev, Marko Monev, Konstantin Tringov, Radomir Mandov. Among the exhibited works was also a collection of antique items, such as wall clocks, typewriters. All art pieces and antique items had been prominently placed in the branches of the financial institution across the country, throughout the years. Therein lies the motivation for the public display of the items today - as a continuation of UBB’s support for the Bulgarian culture and arts.