General Terms for Business Clients
Current documents
General terms of UBB AD on payment services for business clients - 15.01.2025 - 15.01.2025
General terms of United Bulgarian Bank AD on issuance and use of payment debit and credit cards - 28.05.2021
General Terms and Conditions applicable to contracts with customers for the provision of investment and/or additional services, related to financial instruments - 01.05.2023
General Terms and Conditions for Provision of Payment Services, Debit Cards and KBC Online Bulgaria to Legal Entities - 22.03.2024
- 09.04.2024
General Terms on using the Electronic vignette (e-Vignette) payment service via UBB Mobile - 25.04.2023
General terms on the use of digital portal platform - 16.11.2022
Kate Functionalities - 05.12.2024
Appendix 1 to the General terms of UBB AD on payment services for business clients - 22.03.2024