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Fees and terms

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as of 14/03/2025 08:26:13

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BNB fixing
Visa and Mastercard International credit cards

Visa and Mastercard International credit cards

Give yourself financial freedom and comfort in your daily life. It is convenient for both everyday payments and large purchases - you pay in a fast and easy manner, with the option for deferral of credit card purchases in equal monthly installments.


  • Long interest-free (grace) period - up to 55 days
  • 50% discount on this the annual fee for the next year, upon effected 24 transactions
  • Deferral of credit card purchases in 3, 6, 9 or 12 equal interest-free monthly installments - for purchases exceeding BGN 100.
  • Updated UWIN loyalty program, which brings together the Bank's customers and the merchants included in the program in the special UWIN mobile application. Through it you can take advantage of discounts in over 500 merchants, as well as online at selected retailers!
  • More secure payments on the Internet


In case of a credit limit of BGN 2 000, fully utilized through cash withdrawal at UBB ATM, with annual interest rate of 18.91%, payment instrument annual maintenance fee of BGN 48, monthly current amount maintenace fee BGN 4.50  and 12-month loan tenor, the total due amount will equal BGN 2312.61, with Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 32.20%. The interest rate is variable, calculated at the reference interest rate of UBB in the amount of 0.11%


Currency BGN
Validity period 2 years
Interest rate

16.91% upon purchase

18.91% upon cash withdrawal

Minimum credit limit  BGN 1 000
Maximum credit limit  BGN 10 000
Liability repayment period 24 days as from the statement generation date
Transaction limit upon payment at merchant up to 100% of the approved credit limit
Transaction limit upon cash withdrawal at ATM/POS up to 100% of the approved credit limit
Number of transactions per week 50
Minimum repayment installment 3% of the utilized limit, (minimum BGN 10)
Repayment mode

Automatically from an account with UBB

Through a fund transfer from an account at a UBB branch

Through cash installments at specific UBB ATMs or a branch of the Bank

Via UPAY electronic gateway 

Utility bill payment Via UBB's Online banking, UPAY electronic gateway, or at UBB ATMs.
Maximum protection upon online payments UBB 3-D Secure - a cardholder authentication service for online Internet transactions. More detailed information, as well as for the purpose of administering your registration, please visit: for VISA cards and for Mastercard cards.

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UBB Video consultation

General Terms of United Bulgarian Bank AD for using the UBB Video Meeting service

1. These General Terms shall regulate the use of the UBB Video Meeting service (hereinafter referred to as „The Service“), offered by United Bulgarian Bank AD, Company ID Number 000694959, having its seat and registered office at the following address: Sofia, postal code 1463, 89B, Vitosha Blvd. (referred to hereinafter as „The Bank“).

2. The Service shall be intended for current and potential clients of the Bank, natural persons who shall use it outside the scope of their professional or business activity (“User/s”). By accepting the current General Terms, the User shall declare that he/she shall not use the Service in another capacity.

3. By means of the Service Users may obtain general information and consultation about parameters and terms of payment and credit products and services, offered by the Bank via a video and/or audio connection with a Bank employee. The Service shall be available to Users Monday to Friday from 08:30 until 18:30 h.

4. The Service shall not provide pre-contractual information about the Bank’s products, shall not be used to conclude contracts and shall not deliver remote payment and/or financial services, shall not offer advice within the meaning of Chapter 8 of the Consumer Real Estate Loans Act, and shall not make and/or accept statements, binding the User and/or the Bank. By using the Service, the User shall declare and agree explicitly that statements and information provided by the Bank’s employee through the Service shall be for information purposes only and shall not in any way be binding to the Bank, neither shall they be interpreted as a commitment of the Bank to enter into and/or amend contractual relations with the User and/or provide certain conditions for products offered, nor shall they represent investment advice for investment or other services, related to financial instruments.

5. Before stating the use of the Service the User shall be obligated to become fully acquainted with the current General Terms and shall have to accept them by marking (clicking) his/her acceptance in the consent field. Failure on the part of the User to agree with the current General Terms shall result in the Bank’s non-delivery of the Service.

6. By marking the consent field regarding personal data processing before starting the Service, the User shall provide his/her consent to the Bank’s processing the voluntarily provided information, including video image, constituting personal data within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). The User shall be informed that his/her personal data shall be processed by the Bank in its capacity as a personal data controller in line with the requirements of the effective personal data protection legislation and the Information by UBB AD regarding personal data processing. Failure on the part of the User to mark the consent field regarding personal data processing, shall result in the Bank’s non-delivery of the Service.

7. The Service shall be accessible for use on the web-site of the Bank https://www.ubb.bg/videomeeting[ENR1] where Users may submit a request for a video and/or audio connection, or for sharing a screen with a Bank employee. The duration of the connection shall be up to 45 minutes, unless the Bank employee decides otherwise. In order to use the Service, the Users should have at their disposal devices, meeting the requirements referred to in Appendix 1 of the current General Terms.

8. In case the User fails to establish a video and/or audio connection with a Bank employee due to lack of an available expert or for reason of requesting the use of the Service outside the time allocated to Service delivery, the said User shall have the opportunity to fill in a contact form with the aim to be rendered the Service subsequently and provide a telephone number or an e-mail address. Upon initiating a video meeting on the part of the Bank, the User of the Service shall receive a link by e-mail, directing him/her to a video conference platform for setting up a video and/or audio connection with the Bank. Upon initiating a meeting on the part of the User of the Service by clicking on the link, the User shall express his/her unconditional agreement with the current General Terms.

9. The Bank shall record and store data of the video and/or audio connection conducted with the User for a period of one month from the date of its occurrence with the purpose of improving Service quality and evidencing the contents of the communication with the User during the use of the Service in case of a dispute between the User and the Bank.

10. All rights on the information, provided by the Bank in the course of Service delivery, shall belong exclusively and solely to the Bank. The User shall not be entitled to disclose to and share with third parties in any way whatsoever data and information received via the use the Service.

11. The Bank shall not be held liable for damage and lost profits, sustained by the User while using the Service, nor shall it be held liable for inability to render the Service in circumstances beyond the Bank’s control - for instance, but not limited to force majeure, accidental events, Internet problems, communication limitations and interruptions, inability to achieve connection via the video conference platform or limited access to it, problems attributable to the User’s equipment, as well as in case of third parties’ unauthorized access or intervention into the operations of the Bank’s information system or servers.

12. The Bank shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the User in relation to the use of the Service. For the Service delivery itself, the Bank shall not charge the User.

13. Bank employees, rendering the Service shall not have the right to request the Users to provide sensitive data about payments within the meaning of the Payment Services and Payment Systems Act (such as, but not limited to personalized security features of payment instruments, PIN codes, passwords, etc.) In case of detecting such practices, the User should notify immediately the Bank by calling 0700 117 17 or e-mailing: jalbi@ubb.bg.

14. The Bank shall be entitled to reject or interrupt Service delivery to a User who does not comply with the accepted principles of morality in the course of the Service.

15. The current General Terms may be amended and supplemented by the Bank at any time, and the respective amendments and supplements shall enter into force from the date of their uploading on the Bank’s web-site https://www.ubb.bg/videomeeting.

16. To any issues not provided for in the current General Terms, the Republic of Bulgaria’s legislation shall apply.

These General Terms have been adopted on 28.04.2020 and shall enter into force on 01.05.2020

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Consumer loan

Ensure the needed funds for wanted products and services

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

Plan how with minimum monthly installments to earn the desired amount, needed for a dream trip, a purchase, your children’s education or other.

Debit and credit cards' insurance

Full protection of your debit or credit card in case of an accident, card abuse, loss or theft of your personal documents and keys.

Ubb mobile

With UBB Mobile
you bank on the go

Easy, quick and secure

UBB Mobile is a specialized application for mobile devices – mobile phones and tablets with operational system Android and iOS.

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