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European funding

European funding

As a part of the Belgian bank-insurance KBC Group, UBB has over 20 years of experience in the use of financial instruments and financing of European projects. The Bank works with 43 financial instruments, such as InvestEU, COSME, InnovFin, SME Initiative, JEREMIE Trade Finance, managed by the European Investment Fund (EIF), the National Guarantee Fund, Fund of Funds etc., which makes UBB recognizable as “The Bank of the European Financial Instruments”. UBB is the first bank in Bulgaria which submitted and signed agreement under InvestEU and the first participant in the Juncker Plan in Bulgaria. Together with EIB, Council of Europe Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and State Fund Agriculture, the bank has maintained long-term cooperation for financial instruments as preferential resource. UBB is a part of the Fund for Sustainable Cities consortium and is a bank-partner of the Fund for Sustainable Urban Development of Sofia.

The European Projects and Financial Institutions Directorate handles the overall activity of financial instruments’ negotiation and use. The team coordinates the execution of the specific requirements for inclusion, reporting and monitoring and maintains the relations with external partners. 

In 2015, a KBC Group Competence Centre for European Financial Instruments was established in UBB. Its purpose is to facilitate the other companies of KBC Group when applying for and using financial instruments.

RRF - Sustainability Guarantee Programme

Loans under alleviated collateral conditions, thanks to the guarantee, provided by the European Investment Fund /EIF/ under the InvestEU guarantee instrument and funded by the European Union under the NextGenerationEU plan, with the support of the...

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InvestEU Guarantee Programme - SME Competitiveness

Loans under alleviated collateral conditions, thanks to the InvestEU guarantee instrument, provided with the support of the European Union in partnership with the European Investment Fund through the InvestEU programme.

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InvestEU Guarantee Programme- Sustainability of SMEs and Small Mid-caps

UBB offers loans under alleviated collateral conditions, thanks to the InvestEU guarantee instrument, provided with the support of the European Union in partnership with the European Investment Fund through the InvestEU programme.

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