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Management board

Teodor Marinov
Member of the Country Team of KBC Group for Bulgaria, Member of the Management Board of UBB, Executive Director Finance of UBB

Teodor Marinov has been part of United Bulgarian Bank’s management since June 2010, when he was elected member of the Board of Directors, while holding the position of Executive Manager Corporate Banking of the Bank since September the same year.

After the acquisition of United Bulgarian Bank by the Belgian finance group KBC Group in June 2017, Teodor Marinov has become member of the KBC Country Team in Bulgaria, member of the Management board and Executive Director Legacy of UBB. In July 2022 he has bacome Executive Director Finance. During the period 2001-2010, he was Executive Director  of Interlease EAD and since 2006 has been also involved in the management bodies of the leasing companies of the group of the National Bank of Greece in Romania and Serbia.

His professional development began in 1994 as a Financial Analyst at the Sofia Stock Exchange. In 1995-1997 he worked as a Customer Relationship Manager and Credit Analysis Unit Manager at the Bulgarian Investment Bank AD. From 1997 until 2000 he was Investments Manager in the Balkan Regional Division of the National Bank of Greece.Teodor

Marinov holds Master's degrees in Business Administration from London Business School and in Systems Control  from the Technical University, Sofia. He has been a holder of CFA (Certified Financial Analyst) professional designation since 2001. Marinov also completed the INSEAD Inter-Alpha Banking Programme in 2002.

He is fluent in English and Russian.

Svetla  Georgieva
Member of the Country Team of KBC Group for Bulgaria, Country CRO, Member of the Management Board of UBB, CRO of UBB.

Svetla Georgieva is member of the Management board and Executive Director Risk in United Bulgarian Bank after its acquisition by Belgian finance group KBC Group in June 2017.

Her professional career includes different management positions at Citibank N.A. and ING Bank N.V. She joined the CIBANK team in 2008, and consequently held positions as head of Retail Credit Risk Department and deputy director of the Credit Management Directorate. In January 2014 she became KBC Group's Chief Risk Officer (CRO) for Bulgaria, a member of the MB and an Executive Director of CIBANK.

Svetla Georgieva graduated under the INSEAD Inter-Alpha Banking Programme (2013) from City University, Seattle, DCL (2004-2006) and has an MBA degree in Finance.

She also has a Master's degree in industrial electronics from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (1985-1991), a postgraduate qualification in International Economic Relations and International Law from the University of National and World Economy (1992 - 1993) and the University of Delaware / FLAG Consortium in Sofia (2001 -2002).

She is fluent in English and Russian.

Nedyalko  Mihaylov
Member of the Country Team of KBC Group for Bulgaria, Member of MB, Executive Director Information Technologies of UBB

Nedyalko Mihaylov has been elected in the position Executive Director Information Technologies of UBB since November 2022. His career at KBC Bank Bulgaria (formerly Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD) started in 2002, while in 2005 he assumed one of his many managerial positions at the Bank - Bank Office Manager in Varna. He was consecutively responsible for Large Corporate Clients domain over the period from 2006 until 2009, for the Risk Management domain over the period from 2009 until 2011, for the Problem Loans domain from 2011 until 2015 and for the Finance domain from 2015 until 2016.

Since January 2017 he is Executive Director Operations and Information Technologies at KBC Bank Bulgaria

Nedyalko Mihaylov graduated from the High School of Mathematics in Varna and holds a degree in Accountancy and Control, and Economic Informatics from the University of Economics, Varna.

He is fluent in English, German and Russian.

Tatyana  Ivanova
Member of the Country Team of KBC Group for Bulgaria, Member of the Management Board of UBB, Executive Director Digital Channels, Data and Operations of UBB, Innovation Leader of KBC Group in Bulgaria

Tatyana Ivanova started her career 20 years ago in Société Generale and built since then a broad and international career in various subsidiaries of the Group. She was, amongst others, Retail Director in the Republic of Macedonia, worked several years as Head of Sales promotion in Russia, as Marketing manager in the HQs Paris, as well as Head of Marketing and Digital banking in Société Generale, Bulgaria.

She joins UBB in the beginning of November 2018 as Director of the Retail Banking and Digital Sales Directorate at UBB.

At the beginning of 2020 she was appointed to the position of a Management Board Member and Executive Officer Marketing and Distribution – Retail banking.
In November 2022 she was elected as the Executive Director for Digitization, Data and Operations of UBB, and in April 2023 she assumed the role of Innovation Leader of KBC Group in Bulgaria.

Member of the Board of Directors of CSC AD.

Tatyana holds EMBA from HEC-Paris.

She is fluent in English, French and Russian.

Dobromir  Dobrev
Member of the Country Team of KBC Group for Bulgaria, Member of MB, Executive Director Corporate Banking and Markets of UBB

Dobromir Dobrev was elected in the position Executive Director Corporate Banking at UBB in November 2022. He has been part of the team of KBC Bank Bulgaria (former name Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD) since 2003, as in 2005 he was appointed head of Corporate Banking – Middle Market. Since 2006 onwards he manages KBC Leasing Bulgaria.

In 2013 he became a member of MB for the Corporate Banking domain, while in 2006 he was chosen to be Executive Director Corporate Banking and Capital Markets of KBC Bank Bulgaria.

Dobromir Dobrev holds a Master’s degree in Finance and Banking from the Faculty of Economics, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski 

He is fluent in English and German.

Anna Atanasova - Dimitrova
Member of the Country Team of KBC Group for Bulgaria, BoD Member and Executive Director Retail Banking of UBB.

As of December 2024, Anna Atanasova - Dimitrova has been elected to the position Executive Director Retail Banking of UBB. She started her career in the banking sector in 2001 as an SME Lending Expert with UnionBank.

In 2005 she was employed at CIBANK, then in 2016 she became Deputy Director of the Branch Network and Distribution Channels Directorate, while later in that same year she was appointed as Marketing Director.

Upon the merger of CIBANK into UBB Anna became in charge of the Retail Banking and Digital Sales segment. Since 2018 she has been managing the Branch Network Directorate, while since 2023 she is General Manager Branch Network at UBB.

Anna holds a Master’s Degree in Banking from the University of Veliko Tarnovo and a Bachelor’s Degree in Macroeconomics from the University of National and World Economy.

She is fluent in English.

Frank Jansen
Member of the Country Team of KBC Group for Bulgaria, BoD Member and Executive Director SME Banking of UBB.

As of July 2024, Mr. Frank Jansen has been elected to the position Executive Director SME Banking at UBB. The profuse international career of Frank Jansen as part of the KBC Group team started in 1985, with his assuming a Branch Manager position in KBC Bank, Belgium. Over the next years he consecutively was Executive Director at CSOB in the Czech Republic, and Deputy CEO at Kredyt Bank, Poland.

In 2007 he came to Bulgaria and up until 2019 he held positions as Chief Financial and Risk Officer at CIBANK Bulgaria, Chief Financial Officer of KBC Group in Bulgaria and Executive Director Corporate and SME Banking at UBB.

In 2019 he moved to Ireland where he consecutively held positions as Chief Financial and Product Officer of KBC Ireland and Chief Executive Officer of KBC Ireland.

Frank Jansen holds a Master’s Degree in notarial law from the universities in Antwerp and Leuven, as well as a Master’s Degree in management from the University of Antwerp, and others.

He is fluent in Flemish, English and French, and has oral and written proficiency in German, Bulgarian, Spanish and Polish languages.

Christof De Mil
Integration Manager

Christof De Mil started his career in KBC Group in 1995. After 10 years at various managerial positions in the Retail/SME branch network of KBC Group, in 2006 he moved to the Czech Republic to head the Retail/SME branch network of CSOB for a period of 5 years.

In 2011 he was appointed member of the Management Board of CIBANK with responsibilities in the following domains: Retail banking, Branch Network and distribution channels and Payments.

After the acquisition of United Bulgarian Bank by the Belgian finance group KBC Group in June 2017, Christof De Mil has become member of the Management board and Executive Director Finance of UBB. In July 2022 he has become Integration Manager.

He has a degree in Economics from the Economic University of Ghent and also MBA from INSEAD.

He is fluent in Dutch, English, French, Business German and basic Czech.

Supervisory board

Peter Andronov
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of UBB

In 2021 Peter Andronov joined the Executive Committee of KBC Group as executive director and CEO Business Unit International Markets, thus assuming responsibility for the Group’s business in four of its core markets – Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and Ireland. Within his new assignment Mr. Andronov became also responsible for KBC Asset Management and hence Chairman of its Board of Directors. In 2021 he also took over the Chairmanship of the Supervisory Boards of DZI General Insurance and DZI Life Insurance, and similarly for the entities of the Group in the other three countries.

Peter Andronov’s career path involves series of positions in the BNB and in the private banking sector. During 2002 – 2007 he was Chief Director Banking Supervision Department at the Bulgarian National Bank. During his term he led the elaboration of key currently effective legislative acts on banking regulation and supervision, including the Credit Institutions Act, the Act on the Additional Supervision on Financial Conglomerates, the BNB regulatory ordinances, guidelines etc. From 2003 until May 2007 he was Member of the Management Board of the Reserve Guarantee Fund. He was also member of the BNB Investment Committee. Over the period 2005–2007 Peter Andronov was observer and member at the European Banking Committee and at the Committee of European Banking Supervisors of the European Commission. At the same time he was also an observer and member of the Banking Supervision Committee at the European Central Bank. On behalf of the Bulgarian authorities he led the negotiations in the domain of banking for Bulgaria’s accession to the European Union.

Peter Andronov’s career at KBC Group started in July 2007 when he was appointed Executive Director/CRO of CIBANK. Later in March 2008 he became CEO of the same bank. As from the acquisition of UBB by the Belgian financial group KBC in June 2017 up until May 2021 Peter Andronov was Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of UBB AD(created out of the merger between CIBANK and former UBB).

From  March 2011 till May 2021 Peter Andronov also acted as  Country Manager of KBC Group for Bulgaria.

Over the period 2008 - 2021 Peter Andronov was Member of the Management Board of the Association of Banks in Bulgaria, serving two mandates as its Chairman – from 2015 til 2018 and from 2018 until 2021.

From 1995 till 2016 Peter Andronov has been lecturing during different periods at the UNWE, at the High School of Insurance and Finance and at New Bulgarian University/the International Banking Institute. Since 2017 he is member of the Board of Trustees of the University of National and World Economy, and from 2020 of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski as well..

Peter Andronov is five-times winner of the Banker of the Year award, as well as of the Manager of the Year and Burov Prize for bank management, Mr. Economy and many others. In 2015 he was decorated an Officer of the Order of the Crown of the Kingdom of Belgium.

Christine Van Rijsseghem
Supervisory Board Member

Christine Van Rijsseghem holds a Master’s Degree in Law from Ghent University, Belgium. Moreover, she also holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) – Financial Sciences from Vlerick Business School.

Christine Van Rijsseghem started her professional career in University Graduates Team, Kredietbank in 1987. From 1988 until 1991 she worked for Central Department Foreign Entities at Кredietbank (risk management and controlling). In 1992 she became Head of Central Department of Foreign Entities (incl. International acquisition strategy). Over the period from 1994 until 1996 she held the position Head of Credit Department at Irish Intercontinental Bank (KBC subsidiary). Christine Van Rijsseghem became Chief Executive Officer of KBC France (KBC branch) in 1996 and in 1999 – Chief Executive Officer of KBC London (KBC branch). From 2000 until 2003 she held the position Senior General Manager of Securities and Derivatives Processing Directorate, while during the period 2003 – 04.2014 she took the position of Senior General Manager Group Finance at KBC Group. In effect since May 2014 Christine Van Rijsseghem has been elected CRO of KBC Group and Member of the Executive Committee of KBC Group.

Franky Depickere
Supervisory Board Member

Franky Depickere holds a Master’s Degree in Commercial and Financial Sciences from the University of Antwerp (HHS-UFSIA – Belgium). He joins CERA Group in 1982 and held several Executive Positions there for more than 17 years.

In 1999 Franky Depickere became managing Director and Chairman of the Executive Committee of F. van Lanschot Bankiers Belgie NV, as well as group director of F. van Lanchot Bankers in the Netherlands. Since 2005 onwards Depickere was also a member of the Strategic Committee of F. van Lanchot Bankiers (the Netherlands).
As of September 2006 he is Managing Director of Cera and KBC Ancora. Franky Depickere participates in managing bodies of several non-profit legal entities – Chairman of BRS vzur (Leuven, Belgium). He is a Chairman of the 'lnternational Raiffeisen Union' (l.R.U. – Bonn, Germany), Мember of the Executive Committee of EACB (European Association of Cooperative Banks in Brussels Belgium. Depickere is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Flanders Business School (Antwerp Campus KU Leuven, Belgium), as well as a member of the Senate KU Leuven (Catholic University Leuven Belgium) and a member of the Board of Directors of KU Leuven Kulak (Kortrijk, Belgium). Currently, he is Chief Executive Officer at CERA and KBC Ancora.

Barak Chizi
Supervisory Board Member

Dr. Barak Chizi graduated in 1996 as an industrial and management engineer in the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.

He further specialized in AI and machine learning (MSc and PhD in Tel – Aviv University), and since then teaches this subject at Tel – Aviv University and In Ben – Gurion University. In 2003 he became a data specialist for the Israeli government. In parallel, he started his own consulting firm, providing unique knowledge to global companies. In 2011 he was appointed as senior R&D director and Senior Researcher at Deutsche Telekom. In May 2015, he joined KBC and from August that year he started his role as general manger big data, data analytics and AI.

Svetoslav Gavriiski
Independent member of the Supervisory Board

Svetoslav Gavriiski is independent member of the Supervisory Board of UBB as of May 2020. He graduated with major in Foreign Trade Economics from Karl Marx Higher Institute of Economics (presently re-named to University of National and World Economy, or UNWE) in 1972. His professional path started at the Ministry of Finance in 1972, where up to 1997 he held the following positions – specialist, chief specialist, expert, head of department, head of main department.

In the period 1992 – 1997 Mr. Svetoslav Gavriiski was first Deputy Minister of Finance and from February until May 1997 he was Minister of Finance in the caretaker government. Over the period 1991 – 1994 he led the negotiations with the creditors from the Paris Club, and after that wa part of the negotiations team with the London Club of private creditor banks for rescheduling and renegotiating Bulgaria’s foreign debt.

Over the period 1991 – 1997 Mr. Gavriiski was member of the Management Board of Bulbank. Over the period June 1997 – October 2003 he was elected BNB Governor by the 38-th National Assembly. He led the executing of the monetary reform and the introducing and maintaining of the Currency Board in Bulgaria.

Mr. Svetoslav Gavriiski was representative for Bulgaria in the International Monetary Fund from 1992 until 2003, and as of 2004 – 2005 he was an advisor.

From 2006 until 2016 Mr. Svetoslav Gavriiski was a member of the Management Board (from 2011 until 2016 its chairperson) and Chief Executive Officer of Allianz Bank Bulgaria AD, and from 2016 until 2018 he was Chairperson of the Management Board of Allianz Bank Bulgaria AD.

Professor Dr. Victor Yotzov
Independent member of the Supervisory Board

Professor Dr. Victor Yotzov has been an independent member of the Supervisory Board of UBB since May 2020. He graduated in 1985 from the University of National and World Economy with a master's degree in economics, specializing in "Management and Planning of the National Economy (Socio-economic Planning)." In 2001, he obtained a doctoral degree in economics.

The professional development and scientific work of Prof. Yotzov began in 1986 when he was appointed as a research associate in the "Analyses and Forecasting" section of the Economic Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. From 1992 to 1994, he served as an assistant professor in "Macroeconomics" at the International College of Management, Marketing, and Trade. From 1998 to 2001, he was an assistant professor in "Money and Credit Theory" in the Finance Department at UNWE.

In 1995, Victor Yotzov started working at the Bulgarian National Bank as an expert in the "Balance of Payments and External Debt" division , and from 1997, he became the head of the "Economic Research" division at the BNB. In 2001, he was appointed as the director of the "Economic Research and Forecasts" department and held the position of "Chief Economist of the BNB." From 2003 to 2010, he worked as Bulgaria's representative at the International Monetary Fund and as an advisor to the Executive Director.

In 2014, after habilitation, Victor Yotzov became an associate professor in the Finance Department at UNWE and a joint researcher in the "Macroeconomics" section at the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Since September 2023, he has been a full professor in the "Finance and Accounting" department at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University.

He is the author of numerous publications and monographs. His research interests include monetary theory, banking, public finance, and foreign trade. From 2016 to 2018, he served as the director of the Institute of Economics and Politics at UNWE. In June 2015, Prof. Yotzov was a candidate for the position of Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank.

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