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A real Siberian tiger is now part of the exhibition of The National Museum of Natural History thanks to UBB


15 October 2013

A full-size Siberian tiger is now part of the permanent exhibition of the National Museum of Natural History. He is part of the new diorama, called “An Encounter in the Ussuri Taiga”, situated in Mammals Section of the oldest museum of natural science in this country and constructed with the financial support of United Bulgarian Bank.
The model habitat of the tiger was opened on October 12 by the Museum Director, Prof. Nikolay Spasov and Mrs. Emilia Ivanova, Deputy Chairperson of United for Charity Association and Head of Human Resources Management Department at UBB. The presentation of the tiger in the company of a wild boar, a bear and its two cubs was combined with the opening of a charity exhibition with works of UBB’s employees and their children, called My Family Paints the Beauty of the Bulgarian Nature and Crafts.
“The inclusion of the tiger in our Mammals Section will contribute to the enrichment of our exhibition, comprised of over one million specimens not only in terms of species, but in terms of natural history as well. This is the largest of the tiger subspecies and in fact the largest representative of the Felids”, Prof. Spasov explained during the opening. He added that by the year-end yet another project would be carried out with the support of UBB AD – the renovation of the exhibition glass-cases in the gemstones hall, opened last year.
“We have joined efforts with the team of the National Museum of Natural History in the mission of boosting children’s interest in scientific achievements from an early age. We believe that exactly the love of science will be the spark to covert its youngest followers into future explorers”, Mrs. Emilia Ivanova stated during the opening of the sixth edition of the charity exhibition with works by the Bank’s employees and their children. Along this line special biology games were organized with the attending children, who also followed the “footsteps of the tiger” to the biological display itself on the third floor of the museum. Meanwhile, the adults saw the exhibited paintings and some even made charity purchases of the works that had impressed them most.
The exhibition was organized on the initiative of UBB Trade Union of Bank Employees and Workers and the United for Charity Association. The aim of the initiative is to raise funds for supporting disadvantaged children.
This year the exhibition presents approximately 100 works which will remain in the lobby of the National Museum of Natural History until October 24.
Further details on the exhibitions in the National Museum of Natural History are available on http://www.nmnhs.com.
About United Bulgarian Bank
The Bank was established in 1992 after the merger of 22 Bulgarian regional commercial banks. United Bulgarian Bank is the first and most comprehensive consolidation project in the Bulgarian banking sector. The Bank maintains and develops sustainable policy of corporate social responsibility as a part of its active commitment to the society and its members, its past and its future. The overall strategy of UBB AD in the field of the corporate social responsibility is aimed at several major lines of support, closely bound to the preservation of the social principles in historical and cultural aspect, by encouraging innovative contributions to art and science, by supporting sports and active lifestyle and last but not least – by assuming a responsibility to the vulnerable members of society.
About United for Charity Association:
United for Charity Association is a non-profit organization, established 7 years ago on the initiative of the employees of United Bulgarian Bank. The mission of the association is to support needing children and employees of UBB AD, as well as external organizations via financial aid and special campaigns and initiatives.
About National Museum of Natural History:

The National Museum of Natural History is the only national institution, directly involved in the preservation of scientific collections of animate and inanimate nature of Bulgaria and around the world. The main priorities of the museum are studying biological diversity, protecting the environment and the evolution of organisms. In line with that the main task of the National Museum of Natural History is the comprehensive study of fauna, flora, fossils, minerals and rocks of Bulgaria and of other countries.

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