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For the first time in Bulgaria The National Museum of Natural History presents a unique exhibition, called Precious and Ornamental Stones, with the support of UBB


09 October 2012

The National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), one of the oldest museums in this country, offered a new attraction to the eager to learn Bulgarian public – Precious and Ornamental Stones. UBB AD joined in as an active partner to the project by providing the funds for the renovation of the hall where the exhibition opening today will be housed.
The new exhibition and the exhibition hall were declared open by the Museum Director Prof. Nikolay Spasov and UBB AD’s Executive Director Mrs. Radka Toncheva.
“Our new exhibition presents the most complete range of precious stones as possible, as the focus is on the largest single pieces of amethyst and smoky quartz crystals found on the territory of Bulgaria”, Prof. Spasov told during the opening. “I am extremely happy that within the next month our 123-year old museum, hosting a collection of more than one million specimens of animals, plants and minerals, will also host an exhibition of children’s works. This is yet another proof of the mission which we have set ourselves, namely - to uncover the mysteries of science to the youngest of our audience”, he added and expressed special appreciation of the support on the part of UBB AD.   
“The support for science and the encouragement of the children’s interest to its achievements is one of the major and fundamental goals which UBB AD has set. Today we have the opportunity to join our efforts in achieving this support through partnership with the National Museum of Natural History on a project that marks only the beginning of our common mission: to preserve and promote the Bulgarian scientific achievements among our youngest audience – the children”, Mrs. Radka Toncheva, who declared open the fifth charity exhibition of works, painted by the Bank’s employees and their children, added. 
As part of the general partnership program the National Museum of Natural History and UBB AD organized an entertaining game called Safari on Four Continents, where the youngest visitors of the museum had the opportunity to feel like explorers of the diversity of species in Africa, Asia, North America and Europe. Meanwhile, parents had the opportunity to see the exhibition and even purchase the works that impressed them the most.
In addition to the main event there was an opening of a charity exhibition with works by UBB AD employees and their children called My Family Paints, organized on the initiative of UBB Trade Union of Bank Employees and Workers and the United for Charity Association, chaired by Mrs. Toncheva. The aim of the initiative is to raise funds for supporting disadvantaged children.
Details on the new exhibition Precious and Ornamental Stones in the National Museum of Natural History, as well as details on the museum’s highly diverse exhibition of animals and plants are available on http://www.nmnhs.com.
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