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The “Choose to Help”Campaign Supported the Construction of the Education Center for Children in the Museum "Vasil Levski", Karlovo


18 September 2015

“Choose to Help”, Raiffeisenbank’s donation campaign, raised BGN 6 722 in support of the project of the National Museum“Vasil Levski“, Karlovo – “The Apostle in Children’s Eyes”. The funds were gathered by personal donations of Raiffeisen Group’s employees, as well as by the bank, which added BGN 100 to each donation made by an employee.
At the event, the chairman of the Municipal Council of Karlovo, Stoyko Karagenski, and the regional manager for the South Central region of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD – Lozan Rankov, unveiled the Museum and Education Center for Children, built with the campaign’s donations.
The center will stimulate the interest of the youngest visitors about the personality of Vasil Levski by implementing different programs and conducting suitable activities, appropriate for the children’s age. A workshop devoted to the Bulgarian National Revival gives the kids a chance to get acquainted with the Apostle through various games and competitive modules, which are designed especially for children with special educational needs.
A portion of the funds was used for the publication of“The Apostle’s Lessons”and “Levski in the Children’s Eyes”. Both editions gather the best literary works for children from different authors and genres, all dedicated to highlighting the importance of the Apostle of Freedom as a national hero and his deed for the younger generations.  
During the event, the children created a visual of Levski with the help of specially designed stamps; they drew pictures and put together puzzles, which were also suitable for children with special educational needs.
The new center facilitates the learning process and improves the work environment for the Museum’s specialists in order for them to be able to work better with the children. At the same time the publication of the anthologies addresses the serious deficit of children’s literature dedicated to Levski.
The museum has a rich archive of materials, a unique setting and does active work for children and students, organizing creative competitions, conducting quizzes, providing children with the opportunity to express themselves through creative programs during the Museum’s festive days. The Vasil Levski Foundation is a partner in the realization of the project.
In the past 6 years the “Choose to Help” Campaign has supported 166 projects, with the total amount of donations – those of the bank, the employees and of external benefactors, exceeds BGN 2 million. This year’s initiative will commence in the beginning of November.

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