UBB Interlease launches a new leasing product, which would allow all Bulgarian medicals and medical workers to benefit from preferential conditions for lease

17 November 2020
UBB Interlease EAD, part of Belgian KBC Group and the largest Bulgarian banking and insurance group, aims to be a benchmark in the market not only with business results, innovation approach and customer centricity, but also with care for the society. The implementation of initiatives in the field of corporate social responsibility is among the key commitments of the company.
Following the responsible behavior for managing the consequences of the difficult times during Covid-19 crisis, the company launches a new lease product with a major focus on all Bulgarian Medics and Medical workers including the ones working on front line, devoting their work to caring for people in pandemic time. The new leasing product gives the opportunity to all Medics and Medical workers, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospital staff and employees of Regional Health Inspections to take the privilege of preferential conditions for lease financing of a new car of their choice. Exclusive partners of UBB Interlease under the product are Sofia France Auto, the official presentative for Bulgaria of Peugeot, DS and Isuzu brands, as well as Auto Bavaria - the dealer of BMW and Mini brands. All candidates interested in the new lease product may rely also on preferential prices of the cars and the respective accessories, as well as on fast-track procedure during the lease application process.
Via the new leasing product UBB Interlease would like to show respect to all Bulgarian Medics and Medical workers for their commitment to work, the care for people and the risks they are have to face every day.
For more information about the product, you can find available information in UBB Interlease offices, the official dealers network of Sofia France Auto and the showrooms of Auto Bavaria.