UBB joins the Equity Day initiative on 25.06.2020

23 June 2020
The Bulgarian Stock Exchange and the Central Depository organize the sixth edition of Equity Day – an initiative in favour of individual investors, which United Bulgarian Bank also joins.
The initiative aims to enhance investment culture and the knowledge about equity instruments as a form of investment in Bulgaria.
Equity Day will be held on June 25, 2020.
On Equity Day all local individual investors (natural persons) will be able to purchase or sell shares on the BSE Main Market without fees and commissions to the Exchange, Central Depository and the investment intermediary, involved in the initiative.
The special opportunity will apply upon up to 15 orders per natural person, executed during the Equity Day, of volume not more than BGN 2 000 per single executed order.
All investment intermediaries, partners to the BSE and the Central Depository in the Equity Day initiative, will not charge their local individual clients, whose transactions meet the aforementioned criteria.