Planned technical maintenance of the UBB systems in the period 07.12 - 09.12

07 Decempber 2018
Dear clients,
In line with planned technical maintenance, aimed to improve the quality of the services, offered by us, the access to your electronic banking – CIBANK Online – will be temporarily restricted from 16:30 on 07.12.2018 until 11:30 on 09.12.2018, while the access to your mobile banking CIBANK Mobile – from 15:30 on 07.12.2018 until 11:30 on 09.12.2018. On 07.12.2018 the cut-off time for FX transfer via electronic channels will be 15:30.
Services in your electronic (UOnline) and mobile banking (UMobile) will be inaccessible from 10:30 on 08.12.2018 to 11:30 on 09.12.2018 and those in UBB Mobile from 20:30 on 07.12.2018 until 11:30 on 09.12.2018.
In the period of the planned technical maintenance the branches, which usually work on Saturdays, this week will not be available for you either, while on Saturday the UBB Contact Centre will be rendering a limited number of services. Our Contact centre will offer limited number of services.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding!
UBB Team