Information about phishing attack

23 November 2018
Dear clients,
We would like to inform you of frequenting fraud attempts through phishing e-mails. There are emails circulating in the internet on the Bank’s behalf, containing a link with malicious content. These are malicious attempts at acquiring sensitive information, such as user names and login passwords in e-banking, credit/debit card details – for example, names embossed on a card, number, validity date and a CVC code. We would like to remind you that the Bank does not demand personal data from its clients by e-mail. That is why, if you have received such message we recommend that you should delete it without opening the links, contained there.
In case you have witnessed or become a victim of such fraud we kindly ask you to call our Contact Centre at 0700 117 17 or *7171 (short number for mobile operator subscribers in Bulgaria), in order to submit an alert for the problem. Thank you!
UBB Team