Changes in the “General Terms and Conditions for Providing Payment Services and Reiffeisen online for Legal Entities”, effective as of 31.10.2016
Dear Customers,
Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria EAD would like to remind you that in compliance to Regulation № 260/2012 of the European Parliament and the Council, as of the 31.10.2016 the Bank applies and the Legal entities are obliged to use exclusively XML format when initiating bundle credit transfers in Euro towards countries within the European Economic Area. With this respect, please kindly be informed for the changes in the “General Terms and Conditions for Providing Payment Services and Reiffeisen online for Legal Entities”, effective as of 31.10.2016.
With purpose of compliance with this regulative descriptions, the provided by the Bank new functionalities in the electronic banking systems shall be used as follows:
- in Raiffeisen ONLINE: "Bundle payments in EUR towards EEA (file)" and "Bundle payments in EUR towards EEA"- options respectively for export/ input into a screen form
in a XML format of a bundle payment in EUR towards countries within the European Economic Area;
in ELBA International: the installed for this purpose new "SPA"-modul, "File import" - function, "CCU" - format.
For further information, please contact our Call center:
Phone Nr: 0700 10 000 /Vivacom/; 1721 /M-Tel and Telenor/