Changes in the Tariff for fees and commissions for Legal Entities and Sole Traders, as of 17.07.2019
Dear Customers,
We would like to inform you that as of 17.07.2019 the following changes in the Tariff for fees and commissions of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD for Legal Entities and Sole Traders will come into force:
- Changes in Chapter One: Services in local and foreign currency, p.1 Current accounts, Term deposits and Special accounts - introduction of a new fee for examination and analysis of documentation in connection with account opening (current and capital) for domestic legal entities with foreign-owned
- Changes in Chapter One: Services in local and foreign currency p.1 Current accounts, Term deposits and Special accounts - introduction of a new fee for examination and and analysis of documentation in connection with account opening (current and capital) for non-resident companies
- Changes in Chapter One: Services in local and foreign currency, p.2 Cash transactions, p.2.1.4 Cash withdraws of amounts with no pre-notice – removal of the maximum threshold of charging upon cash withdrawals of amount with no pre-advice
- Changes in Chapter One: Services in local and foreign currency, p.3 Payments in BGN, p.3.2.1 Payments initiated through Bisera, ordered electronically - increase of the fee for payments initiated through Bisera, ordered electronically
- Changes in Chapter One: Services in local and foreign currency, p.8 Loans - introduction of a new fee for preparation of applicаtion for registration, supplementary registration, deletion and renewal of a registered pledge in accordance with Registered Pledges Act
- Changes in Chapter Three: Miscellaneous, p.5. Confirmation of account balances to auditors – increase of the express service for confirmation of account balances to auditors
- Changes in Chapter One: Services in local and foreign currency, p.1 Current accounts, Term deposits and Special accounts, p.1.3. Maintenance of accounts (monthly fee) – introduction of a new one-off fee for distraint processing
For further information about the changes please contact the employees at Raiffeisenbank offices and on the phone numbers of Contact centre of the bank:
- 0700 10 000 (Vivacom) at the price of a city call
- 1 721 (A1 and Telenor) with no increase of the fee
Confirming our willingness for mutually beneficial cooperation, we remain
Sincerely yours,
Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD