Changes in the Tariff for fees and commissions regarding the part for servicing deals and operations with financial instruments, as of 18.02.2019
Dear customers,
We would like to inform you that as of 18.02.2019 changes in the Tariff for fees and commissions of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD for individual clients (Part: Operations with securities) and in the Tariff for fees and commissions of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD for Legal Entities and Sole Traders (Part: Operations with securities) come into force. The changes are as follows:
- Unifying the two tariffs in one single document called Tariff for fees and commissions of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD for deals and operations with financial instruments for individual clients and legal entities.
- Change in Point 1: Investment services in financial instruments – introducing new commissions for subscription of mutual fund shares issued by Raiffeisen Capital Management (RCM), point 1.10.
- Change in the places of the points regarding investment services in financial instruments and operations with financial instruments and maintenance of securities accounts.
- Specifying of wording in point 2.3.3. Maintenance of accounts for foreign financial instruments – for non-professional investors.
- Changes in definitions – everywhere the term “securities” is replaced by “financial instruments”.
In case the client does not accept the changes in the Tariff, the client is entitled to immediately terminate the present agreement by notifying in written form Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD to the following address: Sofia 1407, Bulgaria, 55 Nikola Vaptsarov Blvd., EXPO 2000, to the attention of Capital Markets Department or to the following e-mail:, not later than the date as of which the changes become effective and in accordance with the provisions of the investment services agreement concluded between the parties.
For further information about the changes please contact Capital Markets Sales Department:
- 02/91 985 490 – Nikolay Kichukov, Senior Broker of financial instruments
- 02/91 985 496 – Petar Tabanov, Broker of financial instruments
Sincerely yours,
Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD