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Important information about your Individual Investment plan



Dear Customers,

This notice contains important information regarding your individual investment plan in connection with the conversion processes by way of merger (the "Conversions") of the mutual funds managed by KBC Investment Management EAD (the "Converting Funds") into correspondent (sub) funds managed by KBC Asset Management N.V. (Belgium) through its branch in Bulgaria (the "Receiving Funds"), namely:

  • The merger of Conservative Fund Bulgaria (ISIN BG9000007062) into UBB Platinum Bulgaria (ISIN BG9000009050)
  • The merger of Raiffeisen (Bulgaria) Active Protection in Euro (ISIN BG9000013094) into UBB ExpertEase Defensive Balanced (EUR) (ISIN BG9000004218)
  • The merger of Raiffeisen (Bulgaria) Active Protection in Leva (ISIN BG9000003178) into UBB ExpertEase Defensive Balanced (Leva) (ISIN BG9000003210)
  • The merger of Raiffeisen (Bulgaria) Global Mix (ISIN BG9000002154) into UBB ExpertEase Defensive Balanced (EURO) (ISIN BG9000004218)
  • The merger of Raiffeisen (Bulgaria) Global Balanced Fund (ISIN BG9000005173) into UBB ExpertEase Dynamic Balanced Responsible Investing (ISIN BG9000003228)
  • The merger of Raiffeisen (Bulgaria) Global Growth Fund (ISIN BG9000001131) into UBB ExpertEase Highly Dynamic Tolerant Responsible Investing (ISIN BG9000001222)

The date of 29.03.2023 has been set as the effective date of the Conversions, as a result of which the Conversion Funds will cease to exist and all of the assets and liabilities of the Conversion Funds will be transferred to the Accepting Funds, in exchange for which your holdings in the Conversion Funds will be replaced with units in the Accepting Funds.

KBC Investment Management EAD advises you that after the effective date of the Conversions, it will not be objectively able to service your individual investment plan as it relates to subscriptions for units in the Conversion Funds. In this regard, KBC Investment Management EAD. hereby notifies you that the Individual Investment Plan Contracts entered into will be deemed terminated as of March 29, 2023.

UBB AD is the exclusive distributor of the receiving Funds - UBB Platinum Bulgaria Mutual Fund and the investment sub-funds of UBB ExpertEase Mutual Fund Umbrella Fund. Acceptance of clients' orders in relation to shares in the said funds, including periodic execution of client's orders through their individual investment plan, is possible upon conclusion of an agreement between the distributing bank, as an investment intermediary, and the client-investor.

More information for investors in the receiving funds is available at the telephone numbers and addresses disclosed in connection with the transformation - UBB AD - 0700 117 17; KBC Bank Bulgaria - (02) 91985 500, 0700 10 000 for Vivacom, 17 21 for A1 and Yettel, for contact from abroad: (+359 2) 962 41 02, as well as at the e-mail address: info@kbcinvestment.bg.

Up-to-date information on the conversion of the funds is also published on the official websites of the financial institutions involved in the process.

Yours sincerely,
KBC Investment Management EAD

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