Introduction of a monthly fee for maintaining accounts connected with debit cards for Corporate clients
Dear Gentlemen,
Herewith we would like to inform you that, as of 01.06.2011, Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD conducts changes in its Tax and commissions tariff for RBBG Corporate clients. The changes affect the section of “Current accounts, term deposits and special accounts” by introducing a monthly fee for maintaining accounts connected with debit cards. The change is related to our newly offered functionality concerning card payments – “Debit card account”, which combines the advantages of both products – “Debit cards” and “Current accounts”, which offers the following possibilities:
Cash withdraw from ATMs in Bulgaria and around the world as well as from Raiffeisenbank (EAD) Bulgaria cash desks
Shopping and paying via POS terminals around the world
Conducting payments directly from the card account in branches of Raiffeisenbank (EAD) Bulgaria or Raiffeisen Online
For further information about the changes please refer to the Bank’s web site or contact the employees at RBBG offices and on the phone numbers of Raiffeisen Direct :
- 0700 10 000 (BТC) – at the price of a local call
- 17 21 (М-TEL and Globul) – with no increase of the fee.