New service - SMS notifications for credit movements on the accounts to Legal Entities and Sole Traders
Dear Customers,
Herewith we wouldlike to advise you that as of 01.04.2017 Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD will provide a new service - SMS notifications for credit movements on the accounts to Legal Entities and Sole Traders. An additional fee for the service will be applied according to the Fees and commissions Tariff of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD for Legal Entities and Sole Traders.
The new service could be activated for Legal entities and Sole traders - existing and new clients. SMS notification will be sent to the contact phone number provided by the client for each incoming transfer or cash deposit to a current accountor current account with a debit card, if the incoming transfer or cash deposit is above 100 currency units. The notice will contain information also regarding the amount of transfer/cash deposit and the actual balance of the account.
For further information about the service please refer to the Bank’s website or contact the employees at Raiffeisenbank’s branches or call the phone numbers of Raiffeisen Direct:
- 0700 10 000 (Vivacom) – at the price of a city call
- 17 21 (М-Tel and Telenor) – with no increase of the fee
Sincerely yours,
Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD