Suspension of the usage of Qualified electronic signature (QES) for Legal Entities as of 27.08.2014
Dear Clients,
Herewith we would like to inform you that Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD is discontinuing the usage of Qualified electronic signature (QES) as a security device for authorization of active operations in Raiffeisen ONLINE as of 27.08.2014 for all legal entities clients and as of 06.10.2014 for all individual clients, who have signed contract for electronic services Raiffeisen ONLINE up to 30.06.2014. After that the only acceptable security devices for authorization of active operations in Raiffeisen ONLINE will be the Token device and the SMS authorization.
All existing clients of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD, who have signed contract for electronic services Raiffeisen ONLINE up to 30.06.2014 and are using a security device Qualified electronic signature (QES) for authorization of active operations in Raiffeisen ONLINE can apply for a Token device with a promotional price of 18 BGN or for a free-of-charge SMS authorization, during the stated above notification period of time respectively for legal entities and private individuals at any Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD branch.
All existing bank clients who have signed contract for electronic services Raiffeisen ONLINE up to 30.06.2014 and are using as a security device Qualified electronic signature (QES) for active operations are entitled prior to 27.08.2014 for all legal entities clients and respectively prior to 06.10.2014 for the private individuals to declare in written form at any Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD branch disagreement with the change and to terminate the contract for the electronic services Raiffiesen ONLINE without any expenses and/or compensation commissions related to the termination.
For further information about the current changes please refer to the Bank’s web site or contact the employees at the Raiffeisenbank branches and on the Raiffeisen Direct phone lines:
- 0700 10 000 (Vivacom) at the price of a city call
- 17 21 (M-tel and Globul) with no additional charge
Confirming our willingness to develop our mutually beneficial cooperation, we remain
Sincerely yours,
Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD