Terms related to the obligation for re-registration in the Commercial Registry for merchants, branches of foreign persons and cooperatives

Dear Customers,
On 31.12.2011 expires the final term for re-registration in the Commercial Registry of the merchants, the branches of the foreign persons and cooperatives, as specified in § 4, Paragraph (1) of Transitional and Final Provisions of Commercial Registry Act.
Therefore, we kindly remind to the not re-registered clients of the bank with the respective statute of the necessity to take the actions required by the Law for their re-registration.
In application of § 5 of Transitional and Final Provisions of Commercial Register Act, as of 01.01.2012 the bank shall not accept payment instructions by clients – sole traders and branches of foreign persons, which are not re-registered in the Registry Agency. The bank shall not accept for execution payment instructions by clients - companies and cooperatives, which are not re-registrated at the Registry Agency, except for transactions for payments of amounts due to employees and payment of public liabilities.
In order to ensure strict compliance with the relevant legal requirements, the bank shall accept for execution orders for the permissible payments specified above, only in paper form.
Kind regards,
Reaiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD