Upcoming changes in the Interest Rate Tariff for Business clients - in force as of 10.04.2023

Dear customers,
In connection with the forthcoming merger of KBC Bank Bulgaria EAD and United Bulgarian Bank AD and according to General Terms and Condition of United Bulgarian Bank, we would like to inform you that new Interest Rate Tariff for Business clients is available, effective 10 April 2023.
The new Interest Rate Tariff for business clients of United Bulgarian Bank AD replaces:
- Interest Rate Tariff for business clients of United Bulgarian Bank AD
- Newsletter Interest Rate Bulletin for Depositors Legal Entities and Sole Traders
The new Tariff takes into account the specifics of the products and services for business customers of the two banks before the date of merger between KBC Bank Bulgaria EAD and United Bulgarian Bank AD. Main changes can be found here.
- Effective, date of the present Tariff, UBB AD no longer accepts Time deposits in GBP
For further details and need of assistance, do not hesitate to contact your Relationship manager.