Upcoming changes in the General Terms and Conditions for Payment Services for Individuals of UBB as of 07.05.2023

Dear Customers,
We would like to inform you that effective from 07.05.2023 UBB amends the General terms on payment services for Individuals, according to which the requirements to authorizing of third parties with rights to represent and perform operations with a client`s bank account have been specified.
The new rules are aimed to provide even greater convenience and higher protection in servicing our clients.
In addition, we also notify you of the publication of new General Terms for access to the Online UBB Pension Insurance platform through the UBB Mobile application, effective from 28.02.2023, related to the upcoming launch of functionality of UBB Mobile for access to pension lots and other available online services provided by UBB Pension Insurance.
You will be notified about the launch of the new functionality in due time.
The amended General Terms and Conditions for Payment Services for Individuals can be found here.