Upcoming changes in Fees and commissions tariff for individual clients - in force as of 10.06.2023 and 4.06.2023

Dear clients,
Herewith we would like to inform you for upcoming changes in Fees and commissions tariff for Individual clients, which will be available at any branch of United Bulgarian Bank as well as on the Bank’s website - www.ubb.bg.
The following changes in the current Fees and Commissions Tariff of United Bulgarian Bank AD for Individual clients take place as of 10.04.2023:
1. Chapter III. Fund transfers
The position of the Tariff described below has been updated in relation to the introduction of a new type of service – Instant (Blink) fund transfers in BGN, as of 05.04.2023. The service will now be available through KBC Online Bulgaria and KBC Mobile Bulgaria, 24/7/365.
III: Fund transfers
In force from: 10.04.2023
Instant (BLINK) fund transfer through UBB online/UBB mobile banking/KBC online/KBC Mobile (for amounts up to or equaling BGN 30 000) - BGN 0.80
2. Chapter I.B: Packaged offers – Termination of ONLINE account
United Bulgarian Bank AD stop selling ONLINE account as of 10.04.2023. We would like to inform you that the existing ONLINE accounts will continue to be serviced as per the agreed conditions.
3. Chapter I.C. Payment account with basic features /PABF/
Chapter I.C. Payment account with basic features /PABF/
In force from: 10.04.2023
Maintenance - monthly
With a debit card, issued to the account - BGN 2.30
Withdrawing cash from a PABF
With a debit card at an ATM, serviced by another bank in Bulgaria - BGN 1.00
4. Chapter V. Cheques
Cheques processing is about to be discontinued as of 10.04.2023г. Discover the Bank’s range ot products and services and choose those that meet your needs.
The following changes in the Fees and Commissions Tariff of United Bulgarian Bank AD for Individual clients take place as of 04.06. 2023:
5. Chapter VI. Other service
The issuing of a certificate to serve before tax authority will be charged according to the item in the Tariff: Issuing a certificate for presence of bank accounts, account funds, loans, as of 04.06.2023.
The new tariff comes into force according to the above-mentioned dates for all new and existing clients of the bank
Sincerely yours,
United Bulgarian Bank AD