Contactless bank card payment on the public road transport up to BGN 4 a day
03 September 2021
Starting 01 September 2021, with each third validation of a bank card on the public road network in Sofia a passenger will pay the aggregate BGN 4, as is the value of the daily card, not BGN 1.60 a ticket. The service is also available to all UBB cardholders
The system automatically counts and calculates the runs so that a passenger doesn’t need to do anything. It is suffice to only approach the card to the validation device.
The only requirement is that one and the same payment card is used by a single passenger, within a single day, as instructed by the Urban Mobility Center (UMC).
The innovative service, part of the integrated automated system for e-billing and video surveillance, transforms the bank card into a comfortable and cost saving traffic document.