First draw of winners in UPAY - MasterCard joint game

23 Decempber 2015
The first winners, awarded in the game of UPAY and MasterCard, are now enjoying their tablets, after their names have been drawn in the game’s regular lottery, in which UBB gives away 8 tablets every two weeks.
The lucky ones’ lottery draw was made in the presence of a notary public out of all registered UPAY clients, who had paid their utility bills with MasterCard or Maestro cards over the period 07.12.2015 – 20.12.2015. UBB has already contacted the winners.
Yet, prize-winning opportunities are still open, as the game continues and at its final stage all payers of utility bills via UPAY will be enrolled in drawing the big prize – an APPLE MB AIR laptop. Further information on the promotional campaign is available here.