New possibilities for clients with investment-insurance programmes EuroFuture and EuroInvest

22 June 2020
In order to respond to the dynamically changing client needs, we and our partners in DZI introduce several changes under the Life insurance programmes offered by us, related to investment funds EuroFuture and EuroInvest.
For product EuroInvest
· We provide an option for activation of the “Accident” package to individuals up to 74 years old.
· We introduce the option to transfer shares from one investment fund to another - you can perform the transfer at any time without payment of additional fees.
· We include an option for change of the investments ratio in the funds which you have selected - the change can be effected at any time without DZI or UBB applying additional fees.
For product EuroFuture
· You now have the option to change the amount of your investment installment, both increasing and decreasing it. The decrease of the monthly investment installment can also be done at any moment, but one-off for the term of the contract.
For the option Premium Holiday
As a temporary measure, considering the financial hardship that some of our clients might face under the post pandemic conditions, until the end of 2020 you can take advantage of a 3-month premium vacation for each EuroFuture policy with a minimum of 6 paid monthly premiums.
In case that you still do not have an investment-insurance plan you can get more information about EuroFuture – here, and about EuroInvest – here.