UBB enables online account opening

11 August 2015
Effective from 11.08.2015 the clients of UBB e-banking will be able to open Activity Current Account quickly and easily.
Activity Current Account opening will be completely free-of-charge, as clients may state the account currency, while choosing among BGN, EUR and USD. After the online account opening clients will be able to monitor their account balances and movements in real time, as well as to effortlessly transact via their e-banking profile.
Some of the account’s additional advantages are:
- Refund of the monthly fee by the Bank upon more than 10 debit transactions, performed within the calendar month.
- Enabled direct online payment of utility bills.
- Attractive interest rate levels for amounts over 2 500 currency units
- Differentiated interest rate, depending on the account balance. The interest is being accrued daily and will be paid at the end of each calendar year and/or upon account closing.
This innovation is just a part of the amenities, made available by UBB to its clients in the recent months. Thus, at the end of May the Bank granted a certificateless login option to its e-banking users, concerning the most popular financial operations, such as transactions between own accounts, exchange of foreign currency, own credit card limit repayment, confirmation of utility bills’ payment, change of utility bills’ processing mode, as well as payment of taxes (through Taxes and Fees functionality). These payments can now be performed in an utterly secure manner, only by entering a user name and password.
Further information on UBB e-banking services can be obtained at https://ebb.ubb.bg, while details about Activity Current Account are available here.