Special cashback bonus up to BGN 500 for all new mortgage loans prior to the year end

14 October 2013
UBB has announced a promotional campaign for new mortgage loans prior to the year end with a cashback bonus up to BGN 500 per client. The campaign is valid for new mortgage loan applications, submitted after 13.10.2013 and drawdowns under those by the year-end.
Clients, who want to purchase residential property, can benefit from equal interest rates for BGN and EUR, i.e. 6.20%, upon payroll or regular proceeds in a “Comfort” account with UBB.
UBB’s offer for refinancing of mortgage loans from other banks is also valid at that same interest rate of 6.20% for BGN and EUR, no drawdown fee and grants an option for additional financing.
Moreover, the Bank’s preferential terms also include the following standard fees’ discounts:
No application fee for any mortgage loan type
0% fee for prepayment with own funds after the 3rd year of the loan tenor
2 times lower preferential drawdown fee - 0.75% of the loan amount, depending on the conditions for payroll and “Comfort” package