Peter Andronov becomes UBB Supervisory Board Chairman

28 September 2021
After the official registration with the Commercial Register Peter Andronov becomes Chairman of the Supervisory Board of UBB, thus succeeding Luc Popelier in this position. Earlier this year Peter Andronov joined the Management Board of KBC as Chief Executive Officer of International Markets Business Unit, thus assuming responsibility for the Group’s business on four of its core markets – Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and Ireland. In line with that he has already become Chairman of the Boards of Directors of K&H Bank and K&H Insurance in Hungary. With his new appointment Mr. Andronov has also become Chairman of the Board of Directors of KBC Asset Management.
In June the Financial Supervision Commission approved Peter Andronov as Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of DZI General Insurance and DZI Life Insurance.
Peter Andronov has been succeeded in his position as MB Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of UBB by Peter Roebben, who was also officially entered in the Commercial Register at the beginning of September.
Peter Roebben has a 30-year career within KBC Group, covering a wide range of executive assignments across Europe. Prior to coming to Bulgaria, he was the CEO of KBC Ireland, which is the first digital bank in the Belgian financial group.
Peter Andronov was Management Board Chairman and UBB AD’s Chief Executive Officer until March 2021. He assumed this position as from the acquisition of UBB by the Belgian financial group KBC in June 2017 up until March 2021. His career at KBC Group started in July 2007 when he was appointed Executive Director of CIBANK. In March 2008 he became CEO, while since March 2011 he has been Country Manager of KBC Group for Bulgaria. Peter Andronov’s career path involves series of positions in the private banking sector and the BNB. Over the 2002 – 2007 period he was Director General of Banking Supervision Department at the Bulgarian National Bank. From 2003 until May 2007 he was Management Board Member of the Reserve Guarantee Fund. He participated in the elaboration of the currently effective legislation on banking supervision, including the Credit Institutions Act, the Act on the Additional Supervision on Financial Conglomerates, the BNB Ordinances on supervisory activities, guidelines etc. He is also member of the BNB Investment Committee. Over the period 2005 – 2007 Peter Andronov was observer and member of the European Banking Committee and of the Committee of European Banking Supervisors at the European Commission. At the same time he was also an observer and member of the Banking Supervision Committee at the European Central Bank. On behalf of the Bulgarian government he led the negotiations in the domain of banking for Bulgaria’s accession to the European Union.
Over the period 2008 - 2020 Peter Andronov was a MB Member of the Association of Banks in Bulgaria, serving two mandates as its Chairman – from 2015 until 2017 and from 2018 until 2020.
He was university lecturer in finance at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) from 1995 until 2004. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, as well as of that of the University of National and World Economy. Since 1995 he has been lecturing at the UNWE, at the High School of Insurance and Finance and at New Bulgarian University / the International Banking Institute.
Peter Andronov is a three-time winner of the Banker of the Year award, as well as of the Manager of the Year and Burov Prize for bank management, Mr. Economy and many others. He is a bearer of the Order of the Crown of the Kingdom of Belgium.
Immediately before coming to Bulgaria, Peter Roebben held the Chief Executive Officer position at КВС Bank in Ireland. He is a graduate of Leuven University, Belgium with a Master’s Degree in Law, and an MBA from Vlerick Business School, Belgium.
He started his career in 1991 and has held various executive positions in the KBC Group across Europe, notably in the UK, Spain and France. From 2005 until 2010 Roebben was Executive Director Corporate Banking at CSOB Bank in the Czech Republic. Over the 2010 - 2017 period he served as Senior Managing Director and member of the Executive Committee of K&H Bank & Insurance in Budapest (Hungary). In 2017 he was appointed as Senior General Manager Group Credit Risk at KBC Group’s Head Office in Brussels. In 2019 he was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KBC Ireland.