Peter Roebben: The role of the Bulgarian Development Bank is a key one at times of crises and also for the successful sustainable transformation of Bulgarian businesses
08 October 2024
„The significance of financial instruments in support of Bulgarian enterprises will be growing, in order to help them effectively make their transition to green economy, implement innovations and digitalization. This renders cooperation among development banks a key one.“, said Peter Roebben, Chief Executive Officer of UBB during the forum entitled "Development Banks - an instrument for better utilization of public funds", organized on the occasion of the 25-th anniversary since the establishment of the Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB).
He emphasized on the need to optimize the decision-making processes and reduce bureaucracy upon the granting of funds and emphasized on the following: „Our customers tell us every single day that they want faster decisions in a one-stop-shop, and not referrals from one institution to another“.
Peter Roebben shared that UBB had supported 5 240 enterprises with over BGN 1.25 billion under programmes of the National Guarantee Fund, part of the BDB Group, which makes UBB the biggest consumer under the Fund’s programmes. He noted that UBB had leading experience in the implementation of those instruments not only in Bulgaria, but also in the other countries of KBC Group, and for this reason the Competence Centre of KBC Group for European Financial Instruments was positioned in UBB.
Another highlight in his speech during the forum was linked to the role of development banks in support of economies at times of crises, and as an example he gave the Covid-19 pandemic and the essential role of the BDB then in supporting businesses. His opinion was also endorsed by the other participants in the "Partnerships with Commercial Banks” discussion panel.
The conference was held in a two-panel format, and the topic of the first one was: "The contribution of banks to the better utilization of public funds”. Participants there were Dilyana Ivanova, Advisor to the Minister of Innovations and Growth; Antongiulio Marin, Head of the InvestEU Implementation unit, the European Commission; Pascal Lagarde, Executive Director of BPI France - France; Timo Liuksila, Vice President of Finnvera - Finland; Josip Pavković, Member of the Management Board of HBOR - Croatia and Csaba Harsányi, Director of MFB - Hungary. Panel moderator was Marcel Roy, Secretary General of the European Association of Public Banks.
The second panel was dedicated to the "Partnerships with Commercial Banks” topic. Participants there were Petya Dimitrova, Chairperson of the Association of Banks in Bulgaria and Chief Executive Officer of Postbank; Tsvetanka Mincheva, Chief Executive Officer and Chairperson of the Management Board of UniCredit Bulbank; Peter Roebben, Country Manager of KBC Group for Bulgaria; Ilian Georgiev, Member of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of BACB and Boyan Stefov, Member of the Management Board and Executive Director of DSK Bank. Panel moderator was Iliya Karanikolov, BDB Executive Director.