Payments via UBB e-banking – now made easier, requiring only a user name and password

02 September 2015
Individual clients of the Bank’s e-banking can now effect payments quickly and without a certificate, using preliminary defined templates. The new functionality enables transfer of funds by only entering a user name and a password, provided that clients have registered their own templates through the Bank’s online banking system.
New features explained:
- Access – From the especially developed for the purpose TransfersandTemplatessection in Payments menu
- Functionality – Based on verified personal templates, clients can quickly, easily and securely order payments without using a certificate and one-time passwords to access the active mode.
About the templates:
- Usefulness explained - Presently templates allow thousands of clients to speed up their e-banking operations by performing transactions as per preliminary defined and approved by them recurring payments’ parameters
- Templates’ generation – A template can be generated only upon effecting an actual payment via standard system login with a certificate and one-time passwords for banking in active-mode.
- Templates’ editing – Templates can be accessed for editing at any time from Transfers and Templates section.
- Registered templates’ list – All registered templates to date are visible through the new functionality. Certificateless fund transfer is enabled only for templates that have been used to effect at least one payment, verified with a one-time password, supplied by either an SMS or a U-code device.
This new functionality stands one of the series of modifications, performed by UBB over the recent months, with the aim to facilitate its e-banking clients, while maintaining its high standards of payment security.