UBB's working hours during New Year’s holidays

29 Decempber 2015
Dear clients,
This is to inform you that on 30 December 2015 the bank’s branches will be servicing clients until 15.00 h.
BGN and FX fund transfers via e-banking will be accepted for execution with value date 30 December 2015, as follows:
- Cut-off time for acceptance of fund transfer orders in BGN:
o 13:50 h. for interbank fund transfers via BISERA
o 14:45 h. for interbank fund transfers via RINGS
o 16:30 h. for intrabank fund transfers from/to accounts with UBB
- Cut-off time for acceptance of fund transfer orders in foreign currency:
o 14:30 h. for outgoing fund transfers
o 16:30 h. for intrabank fund transfers from/to accounts with UBB
All fund transfers, ordered after the above hours, will be processed on 04.01.2016.
During New Year‘s holidays (31st December 2015 through 3rd January 2016) UBB branches will not be operating. For assistance you may contact our Call Centre at:
- 0700 117 17
- *7171 (for subscribers of Bulgarian mobile network operators)
- 02/980 2235
- +35970011717 or +35929802235 (for subscribers from abroad)
Our Call Centre will be answering your queries on 31.12.2015 (Thursday) from 09.00 until 17.00 h.
After the New Year’s holidays on 4th January our Call Centre will resume its regular operations Monday to Friday, from 08.30 until 21.00 h. and on Saturdays from 09.00 until 18.00 h.
Upon need to block either a lost or a stolen card you may call the above stated telephone numbers at any time. In case of any inquiries over the period from 1st until 3rd January 2016, we advise you to contact us through our feedback option at https://ubb.bg/eng/contacts/feedback.
We remind you that during the non-business days you can utilize your bank cards and perform operations at ATMs, POS terminals in commercial sites, as well as upon purchases and payments in the Internet.
UBB Team wishes you cheerful celebration of the New Year 2016