Notification for received alerts about distribution of phishing emails

16 June 2022
Dear clients,
We would like to inform you of received alerts from our clients about distribution of phishing emails on behalf of banks or other public institutions, which via a link or a button demand update of personal data, verification codes for online and mobile banking, user names, passwords or details for credit/debit cards.
This is to assure you that no bank WOULD EVER DEMAND from its clients such confidential information via email, SMS or over the phone!
Please, be on the alert - this is a fraud! The ultimate goal of cyber fraudsters is to steal your digital identity and thus to obtain access to your funds.
DO NOT click on buttons or links, attached to suspicious messages and DO NOT provide sensitive information online! If you have been misled and have provided your personal data, you should immediately reach the Contact Centre of UBB at the following telephone number: 0700 117 17 or *7171.
Find more how to protect yourself digital at UBB’s online security awareness platform – CyberStudy
The UBB Team