Notification for discontinuation of the service for delivery to a specified address of monthly paper statements for international credit cards, with effect from 17.01.2022

13 January 2022
Dear clients,
We would like to inform you that with effect from 17.01.2022 UBB AD discontinues the service for delivery to a specified address of monthly paper statements for international credit cards.
As from the said date the service will neither be accessible for new cardholders, nor will it be available for requesting by existing cardholders.
In line with that amendments are being made to the General Terms on Issuance and Use of Payment Debit and Credit Cards and in the Fees and Commissions’ Tariff for Individuals.
The amended General Terms on Issuance and Use of Payment Debit and Credit Cards are available here.
The amended Fees and Commissions Tariffs for Individuals is available here.
The UBB Team