Changes in the General Terms and conditions for provision of payment services, debit cards and Raiffeisen ONLINE to legal entities, in force by 11.06.2021
Dear clients,
Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD informs you that as of 11.06.2021 changes in the General Terms and conditions for provision of payment services, debit cards and Raiffeisen ONLINE to legal entities shall enter into force.
As of 11.06.2021 orders for issuance and/or change of bank guarantee or letter of credit shall be submitted by signing and authorization via token or SMS. The Bank will continue to execute orders signed with a qualified electronic signature and authorized via token/ SMS until 08.09.2021 (including). After 08.09.2021 the possibility orders to be signed via qualified electronic signature shall be removed.
As of 11.06.2021 when an application is submitted through Raiffeissen ONLINE (incl. through the electronic channel – banking through specialized application for mobile devices RaiMobile) for a change of the mobile number to which a specially generated one-time password for payments on websites is sent and/or a notification of an online authorized transaction is sent, the User will be able to change the current mobile number with the number for contact, indicated in the registration request for Raiffeisen ONLINE and/or the number to which the SMS code is sent when SMS authorization is chosen/the number to which the SMS code for activation of Hardware/Software token is sent.
For further information about the changes, including the procedure for switching to the new method of submitting orders for issuance and/or change of a bank guarantee or letter of credit via SMS/token, please refer to the Bank’s website or contact the employees at Raiffeisenbank’s branches and on the phone numbers of Call center:
- 0700 10 000 (Vivacom) – at the price of a city call
- 17 21 (A1 and Telenor) – with no increase of the fee
Sincerely yours,
Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD