UPAY Gateway and UBB challenge their Facebook fans

03 November 2015
All followers of UBB’s official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/UnitedBulgarianBank) have now the chance to win special prizes by joining the new cognitive game of UPAY Gateway.
Within 6 days, starting 02 November till 08 November 2015, those who wish may embrace the challenge to dive into UPAY’s website (https://ubbpay.bg/) and share their comments on the gateway’s advantages and new features.
A lottery will nominate six lucky winners among the participants, who are to be given special prizes by UPAY as a reminder that technologies are a fast, convenient and innovative way of bill payment anytime, anywhere.
UPAY payment gateway (https://ubbpay.bg/), launched two years ago, services meanwhile over 40 000 clients monthly, by offering to cardholders convenient and secure payment of utility bills, taxes and credit obligations. Furthermore, to illustrate as user-friendly as possible the gateway’s functionalities, a UPAY-How-To video was designed and presented in mid-October 2015 (https://youtu.be/qEdRp2GBpR8). Additionally, the first game in the social networks marks a step further towards the gateway’s gaining even wider popularity.