Changes in Interest Rates Bulletin on term deposits for Legal entities and Sole traders - into force as of 01.07.2014
MoreChanges in the annual interest rates of Current Account „Raiffeisen Exclusive”
MoreChanges in the working hours and in the cut-off times for submitting and processing local and foreign currency payments at the end of the year
MoreChanges in the interest rate for current accounts with debit cards Visa Electron in BGN issued with preferential conditions for retired individuals
MoreChanges in the conditions and annual interest rates of current account Raiffeisen Premium Gold
MoreChanges in the Tariff for fees and commissions for Legal entities and Sole traders into force as of 01.11.2013 and changes in Interest Rates Bulletin on term deposits for Legal entities and Sole traders into force as of 04.11.2013
MoreNew Fees and Commissions Tariff for Individual Clients in force as of 01.11.2013
MoreChanges in the annual interest rates of the Deposit account under the Saving Program as of 01.10.2013
MoreChanges in the conditions and annual interest rates of Saving account “No limitations” as of 01.10.2013
MoreChanges in the Interest Rates Bulletin on term deposits for Legal entities as of 23.09.2013