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For companies with annual turnover up to 2 mln BGN

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For agri producters

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For freelancers with annual turnover below 1 mln BGN

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as of 14/03/2025 08:26:13

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Buying rate
BNB fixing
Cash payment
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BNB fixing
Cash payment
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Selling rate
Buying rate
BNB fixing
Agri Loan, Collateralized With Subsidies

Agri Loan, Collateralized With Subsidies

UBB offers loans, collateralized with expected subsidies, for agricultural producers, supported under the Single Area Payment Scheme (SAPS), Green Direct Payments (GDP) and other subsidies from State Fund Agriculture.


  • Fast and easy access to working capital financing
  • Fast procedure for analysis and assessment of the borrower
  • More beneficial terms and conditions, as compared to standard loans
  • Convenient ongoing loan repayment, with no need to visit monthly a branch of the Bank 
  • No need to present cost-proving documents upon drawdown
  • Early loan repayment option without penalty fees


Target group Agricultural producers and/or legal entities and sole proprietors, with agriculture as main scope of activity
Currency BGN
Interest rates Negotiable
Fees As per UBB’s Fees and Commissions’ Tariff for Business Clients
Amount Up to 95 % of the subsidy amount, as stated in a Certificate from State Fund Agriculture - Payment Agency or up to 100% of the received subsidies for the previous year
Manner of ongoing drawdown/ repayment Multiple drawdown up to the approved limit – under overdraft terms and conditions
Repayment period Not later than 30 June of each calendar year, following the year of submitting the application for receipt of subsidies
Manner of full repayment One-off upon receipt of the funds from the subsidy, which is being paid by State Fund Agriculture - Payment Agency or with own funds

Pledge of receivables under the expected subsidies


Pledge of cash receivables in accounts

Required Documents

  • Decision of the company’s competent body for obtaining a loan and providing collateral for it
  • Balance Sheet, Income Statement and a Tax Return for the last year
  • Certificate for availability /lack of arrears, issued by the revenue authority as per Art 87, Para 6 of the Tax Insurance Procedure Code;
  • Document, certifying the producer’s registration with the respective registers of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

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If you would like a consultancy with our expert regarding information on financial products or services, please follow the link below.

Working capital loan and Overdraft

Short-term loans with a fixed period and amount for meeting the current working capital needs of your business

Guaranteed loans by the National Guarantee Fund

Joint programme of UBB and the National Guarantee Fund (NGF) for guaranteeing loans to small and medium-sized enterprises.

Business Credit Cards MasterCard Business

With the business credit cards MasterCard Business and MasterCard Business World from UBB, you have reliable and convenient access to funds.