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For companies with annual turnover up to 2 mln BGN

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For companies with annual turnover above 1 mln BGN

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For agri producters

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For freelancers with annual turnover below 1 mln BGN

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+3592 483 1717

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Exchange rates

Exchange rates

as of 28/03/2025 08:26:18

Cash payment
Non-cash payment
Selling rate
Buying rate
BNB fixing
Cash payment
Non-cash payment
Selling rate
Buying rate
BNB fixing
Cash payment
Non-cash payment
Selling rate
Buying rate
BNB fixing
Cash payment
Non-cash payment
Selling rate
Buying rate
BNB fixing

Import Letter of Credit

The Import Letter of Credit is an irrevocable commitment on the part of UBB for payment of pre-agreed amounts to a supplier of yours upon presentation of specific documents.


  • The documentary letter of credit is an irrevocable promise of payment by a bank. The bank promises the seller of goods or services to pay a certain amount if it submits compliant documents within the specified period.

  • The letter of credit gives security that the seller will fulfil its obligations under the contract (terms, quantities, etc.)

  • The issuing bank will pay the seller only in case all documents are fully complying to the letter of credit conditions and are presented within the specified term.

  • The Letter of credit allows the parties to negotiate deferred payment under the contract.



How does it work

  • UBB issues letters of credit as ordered by its clients against blocked cash or approved credit limits.

  • Complete and deposit with the bank a form signed by persons authorized to do so Application for issue of a letter of credit.

  • Contact us to be consulted about the conditions of the letter of credit.


Frequently asked questions

1. Can the letter of credit be changed or cancelled without the consent of the seller (the Beneficiary)?

The bank and the ordering party may not cancel a letter of credit after notification to the Beneficiary. The letter of credit may be cancelled or amended only with the consent of the issuing bank, confirming bank, if there is any, and the beneficiary.

2. How does a documentary credit reduce the risks for the buyer?

By including in the required documents such ones that could prove good performance of the seller’s obligations.

3. What happens if the documents submitted for utilization of letter of credit are not compliant?

The payment under the letter of credit shall take place only if you as a buyer give your consent to accept the submitted non-compliant documents.

4. Can the bank exercise any control over the actual performance of the commercial contract?

In these operations, banks only check the documents and do not express an opinion on the goods/services to which these documents refer. The letter of credit is an independent and separate commitment from a commercial contract.



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If you would like a consultancy with our expert regarding information on financial products or services, please follow the link below.

Import Documentary Collection

UBB processes (advises) your trade and financial documents for import of goods, received from the bank of your business partner-exporter.

Cargo Insurance

Cargo Insurance through UBB Insurance Broker is an efficient way to spend your time and insurance-related funds

Products For Large Corporate Clients

Aimed to finance large-scale projects through the entire product range of UBB. Applicable to implementation of large and key investment projects.