UBB is among the leaders in servicing institutional clients, both in terms of rendering comprehensive banking services and offering the full range of banking products. UBB offers servicing of Budget clients, included in SEBRA, provides financial services in accordance with the currently effective Bulgarian legislation.
The Bank opens accounts of Budget clients, included in the Treasury Single Account system, upon observance of the regulatory framework for servicing Budget clients.
The Bank executes domestic (via the BISERA and RINGS national settlement systems) and cross-border payments in local and foreign currency.
Subject of mandatory execution through SEBRA are all payments, initiated from accounts of Budget clients, included in the Treasury Single Account system.
The Bank has a concluded agreement with the Ministry of Finance for servicing the payments via SEBRA and the transitory accounts pursuant to Art.154, Para 9 of the Public Finance Act and of the operations of Budget clients, relating to the collection of revenues and other proceeds via card payments, as per Art. 4, Para. 1 of the Cash Payments Limitation Act.
The Bank offers to the Budget clients conditions for Standard Term Deposits.
Through UBB cards institutional clients are granted remote access to the funds in their accounts.
The Bank offers a fast, easy and convenient way of transferring staff labour remunerations to current accounts
The Bank is one of the leading banks in Bulgaria, offering custodian and depositary services, intended for Bulgarian and foreign clients.